Sweet Rose Buns

Sweet Rose Buns

Discover a unique twist on the classic Sweet Cheese Buns with this creative method of assembly.

Choose from cheese or another filling you prefer, making sure it's not too liquid. Suitable options include combinations like jam with nuts or raisin/apricot paste.


Farmers cheese
500 g
ensure it's on the dry side
200 g
100 g
Vanilla Extract
1 tbsp
2 pieces
Quick sweet yeast dough
500 g

Step by step

Step 1

Prepare the dough following the recipe.

Sweet Rose Buns - Step 1
Step 2

Cut it into pieces, each about the size of a walnut, or slightly larger. Roll them into balls and let sit for 10 minutes.

Sweet Rose Buns - Step 2
Step 3

Combine the cheese with sugar, raisins, vanilla extract, and 1 egg. If the cheese is too moist, consider omitting the egg or using just a small amount.

Sweet Rose Buns - Step 3
Step 4

Flatten each dough ball into a circle. Make three cuts around the edges at equal distances, leaving about 2 cm in the center — refer to the image.

Sweet Rose Buns - Step 4
Step 5

Place one tablespoon of the cheese filling in the center.

Sweet Rose Buns - Step 5
Step 6

Wrap the filling with one of the dough pieces, ensuring the edges are well-sealed.

Sweet Rose Buns - Step 6
Step 7

Repeat with the next dough "petal", overlapping the first. The last piece will close the "rose"—hold the edges securely at the base.

Sweet Rose Buns - Step 7
Step 8

Continue making all the "roses", arrange them on a baking tray, brush with beaten egg, and let them rise for about half an hour.

Sweet Rose Buns - Step 8
Step 9

Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 25-30 minutes until they are golden brown.

Sweet Rose Buns - Step 9
Step 10

Let them cool a bit and enjoy with satisfaction!

Bon appétit!

Sweet Rose Buns - Step 10
Quantity: 1 kg
Prep time: 60 min
Difficulty: intermediate
Ready in: 60 min
Publish date:

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