Leek and Cheese Pie

Leek and Cheese Pie

Our recipe number 501 brings you a delightful pie made with leeks and cheese, a recipe shared by a dear family we've become friends with during culinary workshops.

Leek pies have not been a staple in my kitchen, but I regret it, as they are truly delicious, simple, and appealing, especially in leek season. If leeks are not your favorite, feel free to substitute with other fillings, such as cheese with onions. What I love most is the pie dough, it's been a while since I've had such a perfect one. I highly recommend it, though you can use commercial or homemade puff pastry if preferred.


800 g
Feta Cheese
500 g
6 pieces
4 for the filling, 1 for the dough and 1 for egg wash
White onion
1 piece
Salt and pepper
1 tsp
plus other spices for the filling you enjoy - coriander, oregano, paprika, cumin, etc.
1 tsp
for dough
1 tsp
for dough
Sunflower oil
4 tbsp
for dough, plus oil for sautéing leeks
White flour
500 g
Bakers yeast
25 g

Step by step

Step 1

Clean, wash, and finely slice the leeks.

Leek and Cheese Pie - Step 1
Step 2

Sauté the leeks with finely chopped onion, 2 tablespoons of oil, and 1 cup of water until the liquid evaporates.

Leek and Cheese Pie - Step 2
Step 3

Allow to cool, then mix with crumbled cheese, eggs, salt (adjust as the cheese is salty), and spices (I only added pepper).

Mix to form the pie filling.

Leek and Cheese Pie - Step 3
Step 4

Quickly prepare the pie dough.

In a bowl, combine 250ml of warm water, 1 teaspoon of sugar, and 1 teaspoon of salt.

Add the yeast and approximately 150g of flour. Stir to achieve a creamy consistency similar to mayonnaise.

Let it rise for 15-20 minutes.

Leek and Cheese Pie - Step 4
Step 5

After rising, incorporate 1 egg, 4 tablespoons of oil, and flour gradually—around 500g in total—being cautious not to add flour all at once. Knead until the dough forms.

Leek and Cheese Pie - Step 5
Step 6

Transfer the dough to a floured surface and knead briefly.

Leek and Cheese Pie - Step 6
Step 7

Divide the dough into two equal parts and let it rest for about 10 minutes.

Leek and Cheese Pie - Step 7
Step 8

Roll out one portion of dough and place it in an oiled oven tray. Slightly lift the edges and spread the filling evenly.

Leek and Cheese Pie - Step 8
Step 9

Roll out the second dough sheet and lay it over the filling. Seal the edges if possible.

Brush the surface with an egg yolk and poke lightly with a fork.

Leek and Cheese Pie - Step 9
Step 10

Bake in a preheated oven at 180-200°C for approximately 40 minutes.

Remove, cover with a towel, and let it cool completely.

Leek and Cheese Pie - Step 10
Step 11

Serve warm or cold (it's easier to cut when cold). Enjoy with family!

Bon appétit!

Leek and Cheese Pie - Step 11
Quantity: 2 kg (15-20 servings)
Prep time: 40 min
Difficulty: intermediate
Ready in: 60 min
Publish date:

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