Spicy Eggplant and Vegetable Salad

Spicy Eggplant and Vegetable Salad

Known as "Eggplant Adjika," this dish resembles a salad, featuring bold and spicy flavors, it’s deliciously appetizing. Last fall, I acquired the recipe from my godmother and felt it was the ideal time to make it myself. Perfect for the season, it pairs exceptionally well with grilled meats or Kotlety.

Similar to the Spicy Horseradish and Beet Salad, it can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 months. After trying it, you might regret only preparing a single batch. It's wonderfully tasty and aromatic, giving you every reason to try it.


2.5 kg
Bell pepper
700 g
White onion
300 g
150 g
Chilli pepper
100 g
adjust according to taste and preference
Celery leaves
400 g
Sunflower oil
200 ml
plus oil for frying eggplant
400 ml
2 tbsp
to taste
2 tbsp

Step by step

Step 1

Slice the eggplants into thicker pieces.

Spicy Eggplant and Vegetable Salad - Step 1
Step 2

Brown both sides in oil.

Spicy Eggplant and Vegetable Salad - Step 2
Step 2

Allow to cool, then chop into medium cubes.

Spicy Eggplant and Vegetable Salad - Step 2
Step 4

Add the chopped eggplant and either crushed garlic or garlic puréed in a blender.

Spicy Eggplant and Vegetable Salad - Step 4
Step 5

Finely chop the celery leaves and chili peppers, using a food processor if desired.

Spicy Eggplant and Vegetable Salad - Step 5
Step 6

Proceed with thinly slicing the onion.

Spicy Eggplant and Vegetable Salad - Step 6
Step 7

Repeat with the bell peppers.

Spicy Eggplant and Vegetable Salad - Step 7
Step 8

Incorporate the vinegar, oil, salt, and sugar into the vegetable mix.

Spicy Eggplant and Vegetable Salad - Step 8
Step 9

Mix thoroughly by hand, adjusting salt and sugar to your taste.

Spicy Eggplant and Vegetable Salad - Step 9
Step 10

Pack the salad tightly into jars and store them in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 months.

Spicy Eggplant and Vegetable Salad - Step 10
Step 11

This dish complements any meal beautifully. I highly recommend giving it a try.

Enjoy your meal!

Spicy Eggplant and Vegetable Salad - Step 11
Quantity: 5 kg
Prep time: 60 min
Difficulty: intermediate
Ready in: 120 min
Publish date:
Collections: Salads

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