I had a little courage, fun and time last week, I found this recipe in a book and I quickly tried it. So, what did you do with your hand, according to a good recipe, with safe ingredients - and here is a very, very delicious and special result.
I really recommend you to try, although I was skeptical even during the preparation process, the result far exceeded expectations - both mine and my husband's.
Pork is cut into medium pieces.
Put it in a deeper bowl, add the soy sauce, flour and starch.
Mix well with a spoon and set aside to marinate until we prepare the rest of the ingredients.
Carrot and pepper cut into thin julienne.
Heat the oil in a deep frying pan, add the carrot and cook for 3-4 minutes.
Then the pepper works - cook for another 2-3 minutes.
Add the pineapple cut into smaller pieces - stir and leave for another 2 minutes.
Put the vegetables prepared in this way in a plate.
In the hot pan I put the marinated meat in soy sauce and let it brown well for about 10-15 minutes, stirring periodically.
Don't be alarmed if the job is done worse, the soy sauce sticks to the walls of the pan - but in the end everything will be fine.
During this time I mixed the tomato sauce with sugar, vinegar and salt (to taste).
When the meat is done, add the sauteed vegetables.
Then add the tomato sauce and mix. Leave on high heat until it starts to boil, make low heat and leave for another 10 minutes.
You will notice how the sauce turns into something beautiful and delicious - the combination of soy sauce with tomato sauce is perfect.
And ready, serve with any garnish you like, rice is perfect but goes well with a vegetable salad.
Good appetite!