Hollandaise Sauce
Unfortunately, many sauce recipes are forgotten because of the new, faster, more inventive recipes, etc. Thanks to the cooking classes I also learned something from the exemplary, classic cuisine and one of the discoveries was the part with sauces.
So little by little I will try along the way to learn something from the classic cuisine, especially the sauces - the ones that turn an ordinary food into a delicious and special one.
Hollandaise sauce is one of the most popular sauces, a little more whimsical in preparation (but only a little), instead very creamy, soft, with a strong butter flavor - something like a finer hot mayonnaise.
If you pay attention to the preparation process and follow the steps you will surely not have problems with it, it will not cut and you will get exactly what you wanted.
200 g
perfect is clarified butter, but I also made with melted butter, it was perfect and so on
0.25 tsp
a knife tip
Ground black pepper
0.25 tsp
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Step by step
Step 1
Separate the yolks from the whites. Put the yolks in a heat-resistant dish that we will put later on the steam bath.
Step 2
Add a little salt and beat for about 2 minutes.
Step 3
Melt the butter in a smaller saucepan.
Step 4
It would be better before, to pour the butter in a bowl and to separate it from the whey that is left at the bottom.
Step 5
Place the bowl of yolks on a pan of boiling water, and be careful not to touch the water with the bottom of the bowl in which the yolks are.
Pour a little melted butter and mix constantly with the whisk.
In the process, be careful not to boil the water too much, but if you notice that the yolks are starting to make an omelet anyway, quickly take the bowl off the bain-marie.
Step 6
When you have incorporated all the butter, take the bowl off the steam bath, season with salt, add the lemon juice - mix everything well.
Step 7
Optionally you can add pepper or ground white pepper.
Step 8
The sauce is served immediately, harder when you have other things to do.
So that it doesn't cut and keep it warm until serving - I put it in the bowl in which I will serve it and I put it in a plate with hot water. On top I covered with a plastic bag.
And ready, make your fish or chicken (which match the sauce perfectly) or vegetables.
Step 9
And a more representative picture, to see the beautiful and creamy structure of the sauce :)
By the way, if it is cut, straighten it with a raw yolk in which you gradually add the cut composition.
If they are lumpy, to boil the yolk a little (the steam bath was too hot), pass it through a finer sieve.
Step 10
I served it with grilled chicken breast, the recipe follows :)
My husband was ecstatic, he told me that he had never eaten such fine and good food - and believe me he ate enough :)
Step 11
And the source of the recipe - only it was here from a pound of butter and 8 yolks
- I modified a little and adapted after I did the cooking classes. 
I really recommend you to try it and see how fine it is!
Good appetite!
300 ml
(3-4 servings)
Prep time:
5 min
Ready in:
15 min
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