Very good custard, moderately sweet and flavorful from white chocolate and butter. You can combine it with any sponge cakes or eclairs - so as you like and need.
Measure the amount of milk and stop 100 ml separately in a smaller bowl - pour the rest into a pot or tuci.
Break the chocolate into pieces and add to the milk pot. Put it on the fire and mix with a whisk or spoon until the milk chocolate is completely dissolved.
At the same time dissolve in the milk set aside, the starch and the 2.5 tablespoons of sugar.
When the milk in the pot starts to boil, slowly add the composition with milk and starch, stirring constantly so that they are not lumpy.
Leave the pot on the fire for another minute, until the composition thickens. Then set it aside and let it cool for at least an hour.
Put the butter and powdered sugar in a deeper bowl.
Then beat the butter well with the mixer, so that it is a homogeneous composition.
After the above pudding composition has cooled, add a tablespoon to the beaten butter and mix until all the pudding is incorporated.
And ready, use whatever cream you like and need - it's very delicious and fine.
Good appetite!