These pies were made by my mother at home in a wood oven, they were fluffy, soft, very tasty and smelled slightly of butter. I said to reproduce the recipe for the site, you can make the pie dough very easily at home and use it as a quick puff pastry for other recipes. I also gave an example of some pie fillings, below, in the recipe steps. The quantities I gave for each type of filling are about 20 pies - be careful if you want to make fewer pies, reduce the quantities.
Prepare the puff pastry dough according to the Easy Homemade pastry recipe.
Unroll the dough roll and sprinkle it well with flour.
Cut the pieces into rolls, about 1.5 cm thick, flatten them a little with flour and give them a round shape with the rolling pin. It must be about 2 mm thick.
Now about the fillings: This is the cabbage filling - sauté the finely chopped cabbage with 1 onion, until the water drops and the cabbage softens. Then add salt and pepper to taste, let cool and is ready to put in pies.
Potato filling: Boil the potatoes in their skins for about 40 minutes - then cool with cold water and peel, grind well with the mashing utensil and leave to cool. It is important to grind them while they are hot! Then add the chopped beef tenderloin, cook 2 pieces of onion in oil and add everything there. Add salt and pepper to taste, mix well.
Cheese filling: Cow cheese is mixed with 3 eggs, finely chopped white or green onions and salt. The cheese filling for the pies must be slightly salted, during the heat processing they will lose more salt and will be very good.
Now see how the pies are formed - Put the filling in the middle of the dough.
The opposite edges are caught.
Same here.
Then glue all the corners.
After forming the pie, lightly flatten it and place it in an oven tray, greased with oil or covered with baking paper. In the picture you can see how they are placed, you don't have to leave much space between them.
Put them in the oven, over medium heat, until well browned.
Then take them out on a plate and let them cool slightly. Usually cabbage pies are good colder, those with cheese should be warm and those with hot potatoes.
Good luck and good luck!