This recipe may seem more complicated, but I assure you that it is not - it is made quickly, it looks great on a festive table or for breakfast instead of not really healthy sausages.
Each half of the chicken breast is washed, covered with cling film and beaten carefully with a hammer - in the beating process you give it a more rectangular shape.
Peel an onion, cut it into small pieces and fry in a little oil until golden brown.
Then add the drained mushrooms, leave for another 2-3 minutes on the fire.
Mix the grated cheese with the chopped greens and the onion + mushrooms. Add a little pepper and salt to taste.
Put the pieces of red pepper, a little mixture of mushrooms + onions + greens + cheese on a side of a beaten breast.
Roll the meat carefully.
Each roll is tied well with cotton twine, or fastened with toothpicks (but I recommend cotton twine - the roll is better held).
Fry each roll in a little oil until lightly browned.
Grease an oven tray with a little oil, put the rolls in it and leave it in the oven on medium heat for about 45-50 minutes.
After they are baked, let them cool well - you better make them in the evening and leave them in the fridge until the 2nd day. This will make it easier to cut.
Before serving, cut carefully and arrange on a plate.
Good appetite!