Candied Orange Peel, With Sugar or Low Carb

Whether you use it in sweet bread and cakes, you enjoy it as such, simple or glazed with black chocolate - the candied orange peel is a simple and cheap treat and it can also be low carb! I really don't understand why I haven't made it before, especially since every time I buy candied peel for sweet bread, I think the price is ridiculously high for the quantity of orange peel they offer in a package... By the way, you can make candied lemon peel, lime or even grapefruit the same way.

Maybe I just hadn't found the right recipe and I hadn't known that candied orange peel could be low carb too if the sugar was replaced with sweetener (see all the directions below). We had so much fun with this flavourful and special dessert and each one was free to choose their favourite. There were many different opinions but still, the favourite remained the candied peel glazed with chocolate.

A simple dessert, it's flavourful, delicious, interesting, vegan, low carb and festive - you really shoud try it this period of the year!

6 pieces
we will use only the peel
300 ml
300 g
for the low carb version, use 150g erythritol and stevia sweetener
Dark chocolate
100 g
Step by step
Step 1

Wash the oranges thoroughly under hot water and maybe use a bit of eco dish detergent.

Candied Orange Peel, With Sugar or Low Carb - Step 1
Step 2

Then peel the oranges, eat the fruit with your family (I usually store it in the fridge).

Candied Orange Peel, With Sugar or Low Carb - Step 2
Step 3

Take the peel, clear off the excess of pith and cut into uniform strips.

You can leave the peel bits without a clear shape like this, you don't have to cut them all into strips.

Candied Orange Peel, With Sugar or Low Carb - Step 3
Step 4

Put the peel in a pot, pour enough water to cover it completely and place over heat.

When it comes to the boil, simmer for 2-3 more minutes.

Candied Orange Peel, With Sugar or Low Carb - Step 4
Step 5

Then drain the water.

Candied Orange Peel, With Sugar or Low Carb - Step 5
Step 6

Return to the pan, recover with water, bring to the boil, simmer for 2-3 minutes and drain again.

We need to repeat this procedure 3 times, so the bitter taste goes away as much as possible.

Candied Orange Peel, With Sugar or Low Carb - Step 6
Step 7

After draining 3 times, transfer the peel onto some kitchen paper and pat dry.

Candied Orange Peel, With Sugar or Low Carb - Step 7
Step 8

Combine 300g sugar and water in a 28-30cm large pan. Place over heat and stir frequently until sugar is dissolved and it comes to the boil.

For the low carb recipe combine the water with 150g sweetener.

Candied Orange Peel, With Sugar or Low Carb - Step 8
Step 9

Now add the peel to this syrup. 

Simmer over high heat.

Candied Orange Peel, With Sugar or Low Carb - Step 9
Step 10

In 15-20 minutes, water will evaporate completely, you can see there is nothing left in the pan.

Remove from heat and let cool for about 1 hour.

Candied Orange Peel, With Sugar or Low Carb - Step 10
Step 11

After this time, arrange the peel strips on a platter. Let dry at room temperature or in the fridge. Mine (the ones with sugar) were already well dried the next day.

Candied Orange Peel, With Sugar or Low Carb - Step 11
Step 12

The peel candied with sweetener takes longer to dry and it should be kept in the fridge (or in a cool place).

You can see here what the low carb peel looks like.

Candied Orange Peel, With Sugar or Low Carb - Step 12
Step 13

Once dried, sprinkle over some more sugar/sweetener.

Candied Orange Peel, With Sugar or Low Carb - Step 13
Step 14

Now you can transfer the peel strips to jars/airtight containers and store preferably in the fridge, especially the low carb ones.

Candied Orange Peel, With Sugar or Low Carb - Step 14
Step 15

The peel without a clear shape can be cut into small dice, for sweet bread and cakes.

Candied Orange Peel, With Sugar or Low Carb - Step 15
Step 16

If you want it to be more fun, you can melt a bit of your favourite black chocolate and dip the candied orange peel in it.

Candied Orange Peel, With Sugar or Low Carb - Step 16
Step 17

Shake a bit each strip of peel, then spread out on a parchment paper lined baking sheet.

Refrigerate until the chocolate sets, then serve!


Candied Orange Peel, With Sugar or Low Carb - Step 17
Quantity: 300 g ()
Prep time:
300 min
Difficulty: easy
Ready in: 60 min