Easy Apple Pie Cookies

Easy Apple Pie Cookies

Indulge in the homemade charm of these Easy Apple Pie Cookies, a whimsical creation that perfectly balances a crispy exterior with a tender, apple-cinnamon infused interior. These delightful treats, born from spontaneous culinary experimentation, have become a family favorite. Their standout feature is the surprise slice of apple embedded within, making each bite a delightful experience.


200 g
softened at room temperature
250 g
2 pieces
Vanilla Extract
1 tsp
Sour cream
3 tbsp
or yogurt
White flour
450 g
Baking powder
10 g
2 pieces
Cinnamon powder
1 tsp

Step by step

Step 1

Separate the yolk from one egg white. Reserve the yolk for the dough and the egg white for decoration.

Easy Apple Pie Cookies  - Step 1
Step 2

Combine 200g of softened butter with 100g of sugar in a large bowl.

Easy Apple Pie Cookies  - Step 2
Step 3

Add one whole egg, the reserved egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, and 3 tablespoons of sour cream.

Mix well using a whisk or mixer.

Easy Apple Pie Cookies  - Step 3
Step 4

Incorporate 450g of flour and 10g of baking powder into the mixture.

Easy Apple Pie Cookies  - Step 4
Step 5

Begin mixing the ingredients using a whisk or spoon.

Easy Apple Pie Cookies  - Step 5
Step 6

Once the mixture forms crumbs, knead it into a dough with your hands.

Easy Apple Pie Cookies  - Step 6
Step 7

Achieve a soft, non-sticky dough and refrigerate it for 10 minutes.

Easy Apple Pie Cookies  - Step 7
Step 8

Halve, peel, and core the apples. Slice each half into thin pieces (2-3mm thick).

Easy Apple Pie Cookies  - Step 8
Step 9

Gently toss the apple slices with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

Easy Apple Pie Cookies  - Step 9
Step 10

Retrieve the dough from the refrigerator, press it lightly, and dust with flour.

Easy Apple Pie Cookies  - Step 10
Step 11

Roll the dough into a thin sheet, about 3mm thick.

Easy Apple Pie Cookies  - Step 11
Step 12

Cut circles from the dough using a cup or glass, adjusting the size to match the apple slices.

Easy Apple Pie Cookies  - Step 12
Step 13

Re-roll leftover dough and continue cutting circles until all the dough is used.

Easy Apple Pie Cookies  - Step 13
Step 14

Place an apple slice on half of each dough circle.

Easy Apple Pie Cookies  - Step 14
Step 15

Fold the dough over the apple to form a crescent shape.

Easy Apple Pie Cookies  - Step 15
Step 16

Brush the top with the reserved egg white.

Easy Apple Pie Cookies  - Step 16
Step 17

Dip the brushed side in the remaining sugar.

Easy Apple Pie Cookies  - Step 17
Step 18

Arrange the cookies, sugared side up, on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.

Easy Apple Pie Cookies  - Step 18
Step 19

Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 20-25 minutes until lightly browned.

Easy Apple Pie Cookies  - Step 19
Step 20

Cool slightly before serving. Enjoy the mini apple pie experience in each cookie.

These Apple Pie Cookies, with their tender texture and rich flavor, are akin to miniature apple pies. Perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth!

Easy Apple Pie Cookies  - Step 20
Quantity: 40 pieces (2 cookie trays)
Prep time: 60 min
Difficulty: intermediate
Ready in: 60 min
Publish date:

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