Chocolate Pudding

I made my kids extremely happy with this chocolate pudding and it was a win-win for everybody, since it wasn't such a big trouble for me, either. I chose to place it onto a large platter and portion it with a knife, but it can also be spooned into individual serving dishes. Either way, you will have a fine, tasty chocolate pudding with a strong chocolate flavour.

The brown sugar is meant to give a more interesting, slight caramel taste so don't hesitate to use it.

Gelatine powder
20 g
100 ml
30 g
plus 1 extra tbsp to garnish, optional
Brown sugar
100 g
600 ml
Dark chocolate
100 g
Step by step
Step 1

In a small saucepan, combine gelatin and 100ml water, mix well and allow it to moisten for about 30 minutes.

Chocolate Pudding - Step 1
Step 2

In a larger saucepan, combine brown sugar and cocoa powder.

Chocolate Pudding - Step 2
Step 3

Pour in the milk, mix well with a whisk until all the lumps are gone.

Chocolate Pudding - Step 3
Step 4

Place the saucepan over heat, bring to the boil and stir frequently - so that sugar dissolves completely.

Chocolate Pudding - Step 4
Step 5

When it comes to the boil, add in the chocolate, torn to pieces.

Stir until it dissolves completely and remove from the heat.

Chocolate Pudding - Step 5
Step 6

Place the small saucepan with the moistened gelatin over heat.

Heat well and mix until the gelatin melts. Don't simmer, or it will lose its gellyfying properties.

Chocolate Pudding - Step 6
Step 7

Pour the gelatin over the milk and chocolate mixture, stir.

Chocolate Pudding - Step 7
Step 8

I chose to place the pudding into a large shape and then cut it into portions. For this, I lined a 24x10cm loaf dish with plastic wrap.

It's easier to skip this step and just spoon the pudding into small serving glasses/bowls.

Chocolate Pudding - Step 8
Step 9

Then pour the pudding into the loaf dish.

Chocolate Pudding - Step 9
Step 10

Refrigerate for at least 4-5 hours, so that gelatin can do its job properly.

Chocolate Pudding - Step 10
Step 11

Remove from the fridge and carefully turn the pudding over on a platter or on a large plate.

Chocolate Pudding - Step 11
Step 12

Carefully remove the loaf dish and the plastic wrap.

Chocolate Pudding - Step 12
Step 13

Optionally, you can garnish with some cocoa powder on top.

Chocolate Pudding - Step 13
Step 14

Cut into portions with a knife.

Skip these steps if you are using individual serving dishes.

Chocolate Pudding - Step 14
Step 15

And serve with pleasure, it's a fine, tasty chocolate flavoured pudding.


Chocolate Pudding - Step 15
Quantity: 1 kg (6-8 servings)
Prep time:
300 min
Difficulty: easy
Ready in: 30 min