Last Saturday I stole pizza recipes! I came across some very passionate people from an artisanal pizzeria, who learned how to cook pizza like in Italy, baked in an artisanal wood oven and with the best pizza dough. I insisted, so I convinced them to share with us 1-2 pizza recipes, straight from the source. I absorbed the information with such pleasure, especially since I also had some wonderful hosts!
So, today is about this zucchini bacon pizza. I chose this particular recipe because its topping is a little different from the ones you are used to, but, at the same time, it's simple and very tasty.
If you want the vegetarian version, you can skip the bacon and have a few extra slices of zucchini.
First of all, prepare the pizza dough. In a pizzeria, the dough is more specific (you can see it in the picture). I promise to show you the recipe in the future, adapted, of course, to the home conditions as much as possible.
Until then, use the classic pizza dough, or the quick pizza dough, without yeast - from both recipes you get 2 medium-sized crusts.
Strech out the dough with your hands, like a pizzaiola or with the rolling pin, like a housewife :)
Spread the cream over the dough.
Sprinkle half of the amount of grated mozzarella and cheese, crumbled with your hands.
Don't forget the bacon slices, distribute them evenly and tear them with your hands.
In the meat-free version, skip the bacon.
Now comes a new layer of grated mozzarella.
Spread the thinly sliced zucchini evenly.
Place pizza in the oven and bake until it browns nicely at the edges.
At the pizza place, I was able to see how pizza is baked straight in the wooden-fired oven!
Pizza is baked in there for only 4 minutes at 400 degrees C, which is kind of impossible in an electric oven.
Make some garlic sauce from a clove and a few tablespoons of olive oil.
Remove from the oven and sprinkle/lightly brush the pizza with this mixture.
It's optional, if you don't want it with garlic. And don't forget to sprinkle with some chopped dill, this is optional too.
Slice and serve pizza with great appetite, it's absolutely wonderful!