Pickled Pepper in Vinegar

I've been perfecting this pickled peppers recipe for 3 years, and they're always spot on, spicy and crunchy. 

While we're not huge pickle-in-vinegar enthusiasts, these are essential for Romanian Beef Salad. Annually, I ensure my pantry is stocked with at least 10 jars each of these peppers and cucumbers in vinegar. 

By the way, cucumbers made with this recipe turn out exceptionally delicious. This year, I added green tomatoes, cauliflower, and red cabbage, and I'm eager to see the results.

Round of hungary peppers
5 kg
or regular red peppers
1 l
9% vinegar
3.8 l
Pickling salt(no iodine)
10 tbsp
25 tbsp
Mustard seeds
14 tsp
1 teaspoon for each 800ml jar - Optional: black pepper, garlic, celery leaves, and horseradish root
Step by step
Step 1

Wash and clean the peppers, then slice them as needed. Be sure to wear protective gloves.

Pickled Pepper in Vinegar - Step 1
Step 2

Wash and thoroughly dry the jars. Add 1 teaspoon of mustard seeds to each jar.

Pickled Pepper in Vinegar - Step 2
Step 3

Start filling the jars with pepper slices. Don't forget to add horseradish root, garlic, and celery leaves (which I skipped this time) and optionally, cauliflower florets.

Pickled Pepper in Vinegar - Step 3
Step 4

Continue filling until all the jars are full.

I typically make 10 jars plus an additional box for quick consumption.

Pickled Pepper in Vinegar - Step 4
Step 5

In a large pot (at least 5 liters), combine water, vinegar, salt, and sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil.

Pickled Pepper in Vinegar - Step 5
Step 6

Pour the hot marinade into the jars and promptly seal them with lids.

Pickled Pepper in Vinegar - Step 6
Step 7

Seal the jars tightly and turn them upside down. Let them sit like this for 1-2 days.

Pickled Pepper in Vinegar - Step 7
Step 8

Fill the box with marinade, leave it at room temperature for 2 days, then refrigerate. You can start enjoying them shortly after.

Pickled Pepper in Vinegar - Step 8
Step 9

Check the cucumbers and test jars with green tomatoes and red cabbage.

Pickled Pepper in Vinegar - Step 9
Step 10

Thanks to the box, I can show you how peppers look without jars. 

Enjoy your meal!

Pickled Pepper in Vinegar - Step 10
Quantity: 5 kg (14 jars of 800ml)
Prep time:
60 min
Difficulty: intermediate
Ready in: 60 min