Healthy Fruit Cereal with Seeds

Healthy Fruit Cereal with Seeds

I recently received a request for more fasting recipes, and as I wondered what to make that was interesting, I glanced at my breakfast and thought, "Why not?" Often, simple things that seem obvious are neglected without precise quantities and combinations.

This fruit salad comes recommended by my nutritionist as a breakfast option, and over the months it has become my favorite. It combines elements of a dessert and a satisfying breakfast, making it a delightful and balanced choice.

The primary rule is to use 400g of fruit (in various combinations), being mindful of using only 50g of grapes or plums. The combination below is a hit, but I often substitute fruits based on my mood and appetite; I'll share some variations on the ingredients.

For breakfast, it is an ideal choice providing 400 kcal per serving, keeping you full and content right up to lunchtime.

A simple, healthy, and delicious fasting dessert with no baking required!


100 g
about 1 banana - or apples, pears, peaches, etc.
100 g
or 50g of plums or grapes
100 g
or equivalent amount of melon or mango
100 g
perfect, but raspberries, blackberries, or currants are great in season
Sunflower seeds kernels
15 g
about 2 tablespoons, or use pumpkin seeds
Oat flakes
15 g
about 3 tablespoons, or use other favorite grains
1 tsp

Step by step

Step 1

Clean and measure the fruit as per the recipe.

Cut them into larger cubes.

Healthy Fruit Cereal with Seeds - Step 1
Step 2

Place in a bowl and add the berries.

Healthy Fruit Cereal with Seeds - Step 2
Step 3

Measure and add the oatmeal.

Healthy Fruit Cereal with Seeds - Step 3
Step 4

Add the sunflower seeds next...

Healthy Fruit Cereal with Seeds - Step 4
Step 5

...followed by honey.

Healthy Fruit Cereal with Seeds - Step 5
Step 6

Mix gently and allow the oats to soak in the fruit juice and honey for 1-2 minutes.

Healthy Fruit Cereal with Seeds - Step 6
Step 7

And there you have it, our flavorful breakfast or fasting dessert, healthy and filling, a dream meal!

Enjoy your meal!

Healthy Fruit Cereal with Seeds - Step 7
Quantity: 450 g (1 serving)
Prep time: 10 min
Difficulty: easy
Ready in: 10 min
Publish date:

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