I received an email the other day to put some more fasting recipes, I was still worrying about what to do interesting and when I looked at my plate with breakfast, I said "why not?". Often the simple and banal things, which seem to be self-evident, we do not do if we do not have exact quantities and correct combinations.
I make this fruit salad on the nutritionist's recommendation for breakfast and for a few months it has been my favorite, I consider it as a caress - dessert and satiated breakfast combined very successfully and well.
The main rule is to have 400g of fruit (various combinations), just be careful if you put grapes or plums use only 50g of each. The combination below is the most successful, but I still replace each fruit periodically according to mood and appetite, I will give variations to the ingredients.
For breakfast it is the perfect option, this portion of the recipe contains 400ckal, don't think about food at all until lunch, you are very hungry.
So, a fasting dessert, healthy and very tasty! And we don't have work in the oven or stove at all :)